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Adho mukha shvanasana
Adho mukha svanasana
Backward compatible
Down dog
Down feed
Down stroke
Downward adjustment
Downward compatible
Downward diedral
Downward dog
Downward facing dog
Downward facing dog pose
Downward feed
Downward journey
Downward mobility
Downward motion
Downward movement
Downward occupational mobility
Downward run
Downward section
Downward stroke
Downward travel
Downward-facing dog
Downward-facing dog pose
Downwardly compatible
Downwards adjustment
Round down
Round downwards
Round off downwards

Übersetzung für "Downward diedral " (Englisch → Französisch) :

downward-facing dog pose [ downward facing dog pose | downward-facing dog | downward facing dog | downward dog | down dog | adho mukha svanasana | adho mukha shvanasana ]

posture du chien tête en bas [ chien tête en bas | chien | adho mukha svanasana | adho mukha shvanasana ]

downward journey | downward run | downward section

parcours en descente | parcours en pente

down stroke [ downward stroke | downward travel | downward movement ]

course descendante

round down | round downwards | round off downwards

arrondir au chiffre inférieur

downward adjustment | downwards adjustment

ajustement à la baisse | réajustement en baisse

down feed | down-feed | downward feed | lowering | downward motion

avance descendante | descente | mouvement vertical descendant | mouvement descendant

backward compatible | downward compatible | downwardly compatible

rétrocompatible | à compatibilité descendante | compatible vers le bas

downward occupational mobility | downward mobility

mobilité verticale descendante | mobilité professionnelle descendante | mobilité descendante

datacenter (1): (

'Downward diedral' ->

Date index: 2023-03-09