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Aortic hiatus of diaphragm
Displacement of cardia through oesophageal hiatus
Esophageal hiatus
Esophageal hiatus hernia
Except diaphragmatic or hiatus
Fossa ovalis femoris
Hernia acquired
Hiatus House
Hiatus saphenus
Oval fossa of the thigh
Sacral hiatus
Saphenous hiatus
Saphenous opening
Sliding hiatus hernia

Übersetzung für "Hiatus saphenus " (Englisch → Französisch) :

oval fossa of the thigh [ hiatus saphenus | saphenous opening | saphenous hiatus | fossa ovalis femoris ]

fosse ovale [ fossa ovalis femoris ]

sacral hiatus

hiatus sacral | hiatus sacrococcygien | échancrure sacrée

esophageal hiatus hernia

hernie hiatale paraoesophagienne

Aortic hiatus of diaphragm

hiatus aortique du diaphragme

Displacement of cardia through oesophageal hiatus

Glissement du cardia à travers le hiatus œsophagien

hiatus hernia (oesophageal)(sliding) paraoesophageal hernia

hernie:hiatale (œsophagienne) (par glissement) | para-œsophagienne

hernia:acquired | congenital [except diaphragmatic or hiatus] | recurrent

hernie:acquise | congénitale (sauf diaphragmatique ou hiatale) | récidivante

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Date index: 2024-04-27