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Aberrant cystic duct
Cystic duct
Cystic duct syndrome
Duct of gallbladder
Unspecified or without cholecystitis

Übersetzung für "cystic duct syndrome " (Englisch → Französisch) :

Biliary duct or passage NOS Common bile duct Cystic duct Hepatic duct

Canal:biliaire SAI | cholédoque | cystique | hépatique |

Accessory hepatic duct Congenital malformation of bile duct NOS Duplication:biliary duct | cystic duct

Canal hépatique surnuméraire Duplication du canal:biliaire | cystique | Malformation congénitale des voies biliaires SAI

A rare epithelial carcinoma arising either in the gallbladder itself or from the epithelium lining the extrahepatic biliary tree, cystic duct and/or peribiliary gland. The disease has characteristics of nonspecific symptoms, such as abdominal pain, j

adénocarcinome de la vésicule biliaire et des voies biliaires extrahépatiques

Cholecystolithiasis | Cholelithiasis | Colic (recurrent) of gallbladder | Gallstone (impacted) of:cystic duct | gallbladder | unspecified or without cholecystitis

Calcul (bloqué) de:canal cystique | vésicule biliaire | Cholécystolithiase | Cholélithiase | Colique biliaire (récidivante) | sans précision ou sans cholécystite

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Date index: 2023-08-15