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Alcoholic hallucinosis
Cantilever-type sawing head
Cartridge-type saw guide
Categories of crosscut saws
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Delirium tremens
Determine types of saws
Discern types of saws
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Distinguish ship construction methods
Distinguish types of saws
Distinguishing types of saws
Identify different types of ship building methods
Identify different types of vessel building methods
Plier type saw set
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
Saw gin
Saw type gin
Sorts of crosscut saws
Type of crosscut saw
Types of crosscut saws

Übersetzung für "distinguish types saws " (Englisch → Französisch) :

determine types of saws | discern types of saws | distinguish types of saws | distinguishing types of saws

distinction entre les différents types de scies

categories of crosscut saws | type of crosscut saw | sorts of crosscut saws | types of crosscut saws

types de scies à tronçonner

distinguish vessel construction methods and how this affect performance in the water | identify different types of vessel building methods | distinguish ship construction methods | identify different types of ship building methods

distinction entre les différentes méthodes de construction navale

A rare type of primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) that usually occurs in young children under the age of 2 and is histologically distinguished by the production of ependymoblastic rosettes. It is associated with an aggressive course and a poor pr


Definition: Personality disorder characterized by a definite tendency to act impulsively and without consideration of the consequences; the mood is unpredictable and capricious. There is a liability to outbursts of emotion and an incapacity to control the behavioural explosions. There is a tendency to quarrelsome behaviour and to conflicts with others, especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or censored. Two types may be distinguished: the impulsive type, characterized predominantly by emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, characterized in addition by disturbances in self-image, aims, and intern ...[+++]

Définition: Trouble de la personnalité caractérisé par une tendance nette à agir de façon impulsive et sans considération pour les conséquences possibles, une humeur imprévisible et capricieuse, une tendance aux explosions émotionnelles et une difficulté à contrôler les comportements impulsifs, une tendance à adopter un comportement querelleur et à entrer en conflit avec les autres, particulièrement lorsque les actes impulsifs sont contrariés ou empêchés. Deux types peuvent être distingués: le type impulsif, c ...[+++]

Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include self-report data, analysis of blood and other body fluids, characteristic physical and psychological symptom ...[+++]

Modificateurs Les subdivisions suivantes peuvent être utilisées comme quatrième chiffre avec les rubriques F10-F19: Code Titre .0 Intoxication aiguë Etat consécutif à la prise d'une substance psycho-active et entraînant des perturbations de la conscience, des facultés cognitives, de la perception, de l'affect ou du comportement, ou d'autres fonctions et réponses psychophysiologiques. Les perturbations sont directement liées aux effets pharmacologiques aigus de la substance consommée, et disparaissent avec le temps, avec guérison complète, sauf dans les cas ayant entraîné des lésions organiques ou d'autres complications. Parmi les complic ...[+++]

plier type saw set

pince à donner de la voie à une scie
