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Combined hiatal hernia
Gastro-oesophageal hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia
Hiatus hernia
Sliding hiatal hernia
Sliding hiatus hernia

Übersetzung für "sliding hiatal hernia " (Englisch → Französisch) :

gastro-oesophageal hiatal hernia | sliding hiatal hernia

cardia mobile | hernie hiatale par glissement

hiatus hernia (oesophageal)(sliding) paraoesophageal hernia

hernie:hiatale (œsophagienne) (par glissement) | para-œsophagienne

A paroxysmal dystonic movement disorder occurring in association with gastro-oesophageal reflux, and, in some cases, hiatal hernia. The prevalence is unknown. Onset usually occurs during infancy or early childhood. The dystonic movements are characte

syndrome de Sandifer

datacenter (1): (

'sliding hiatal hernia' ->

Date index: 2022-12-14