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Bloat of onion
Brown ring disease of hyacinth
Bulb eelworm
Clover sickness
Onion bloat
Ring disease of bulbs
Segging of oats
Stem and bulb eelworm
Stem and bulb nema
Stem and bulb nematode disease
Stem disease of clover and alfalfa
Stem disease of rye
Stem eelworm
Stem nematode
Tulip-root of oats

Übersetzung für "Stem disease rye " (Englisch → Deutsch) :

bloat of onion | Brown ring disease of hyacinth | bulb eelworm | clover sickness | onion bloat | ring disease of bulbs | segging of oats | stem and bulb eelworm | stem and bulb nema | stem and bulb nematode disease | stem disease of clover and alfalfa | stem disease of rye | stem eelworm | stem nematode | tulip-root of oats

Kleemuedigkeit Des Bodens,Ringelkrankheit Der Hyanzinthen,Ruebenkopfaelchen,Stengelaelchen,Stockaelchen,Stockkrankheit Der Luzerne,Stockkrankheit Des Hafers,Stockkrankheit des Roggens,Wurmkrankheit Der Zwiebel

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Date index: 2022-03-12